Rapid City MPO now accepting applications for Section 5310 Grant Funds

Jan 2, 2025

The Rapid City Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), is accepting applications for the urban capital assistance program provided through Section 5310 funds from the Federal Transit Administration. Entities interested in seeking capital assistance through this program must submit the application to the MPO. The MPO will rank the applications prior to forwarding a 5310 funding recommendation to the SDDOT for consideration.

Applications can be located here, or emailed upon request.

For questions on the application, call the Rapid City Area MPO office at 605-394-4120 or email kelly.brennan@rcgov.org.  Applications are due to the Rapid City Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Office, 300 Sixth Street, Rapid City, SD 57701, by 4 p.m. MST January 31, 2025.