
Posted 5/15/2019
The Rapid City Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) in cooperation with the City of Rapid City, the South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), will hold an open house style public meeting for the East Rapid City Corridor Analysis Study. The study is being done to complete analysis, alternatives development, and recommendations for potential infrastructure improvements along portions of East North Street, Omaha Street/Highway 44 and Cambell Street. The purpose of this public meeting is to receive input on the draft Report. The open house will be informal, with one-on-one discussion available with Rapid City Area MPO, City of Rapid City, SDDOT and consultant staff.
Posted 3/6/2019
Meade County in conjunction with the Rapid City Metropolitan Planning Organization (RCMPO) will hold a public information meeting / open house to receive public input on the Southern Meade County East-West Connector Corridor Study. The open house will be informal allowing for one on one discussion with the study team. The purpose of the meeting is to introduce the goals of the study to the public and start gathering feedback in how the community sees growth taking shape in Meade County and the northern part of Rapid City. This will be the fi of three public meetings scheduled for this study. A brief presentation will take place at 5:15 p.m. Meade County, MPO, and consultant staff will be available after the presentation to discuss the study and answer your questions. During this time, you will also have the opportunity to present written comments. Rapid City Area Metropolitan Planning Organization fully subscribes to the provisions of the American with Disabilities Act. If you are in need of special accommodations, please notify the Department of Community Development at (605) 394-4120 or 1-800-877-1113 (Telecommunication Relay Services for the Deaf) so that appropriate auxiliary aids and services are available. Please request the accommodations no later than 2 business days prior to the meeting in order to ensure accommodations are available. For further information regarding this meeting, contact Stacia Slowey, Project Engineer with HDR Engineering at (605) 791-6109 or Kelly Brennan, with the RCMPO, at (605) 394-4120.
Posted 12/5/2018
Posted 9/11/2018
The Rapid City Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) in cooperation with the City of Rapid City, the South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), is conducting the East Rapid City Corridor Analysis Study. The study will complete analysis, alternatives development, and recommendations for potential infrastructure improvements along portions of East North Street, Omaha Street/Highway 44 and Cambell Street. As part of the information gathering stage of this study, we are seeking your help to identify study area issues and needs. Your input will help guide the development and analysis of potential corridor concepts. Please join us for either the stakeholder meeting from 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., or the public open house meeting from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, September 13. These meetings will be informal, with one-on-one discussion available with Rapid City Area MPO, City of Rapid City, SDDOT and consultant staff. During this time, attendees may also provide written comments. Short presentations will be given approximately 15 minutes after the start of each meeting. All persons interested in the study are invited to attend either of these meetings to share their views and concerns. Those who cannot make either meeting are invited to visit the webpage: For further information regarding the study, please contact Kip Harrington at 605-394-4120 or by email at
Posted 9/10/2018
Join the Rapid City Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) as we develop our regional Coordinated Public Transit - Human Services Transportation Plan. We want to hear your comments, feedback, and suggestions to improve public transportation in the region. Monday, September 10th, 5-7 p.m. and Tuesday, September 11th, 11-1 p.m. at the Rapid City Public Library.
Posted 7/25/2018
The Pennington County Highway Department will be holding a public information meeting to discuss and receive public input on the reconstruction of Sheridan Lake Road from Albertta Drive to State Highway 385 and the acquisition of right-of-way necessary to complete it.
Posted 4/12/2018
The new report examines data from 2015 to 2017 and shows that growth in retail, residential and commercial sectors.
Posted 6/30/2017
The low bid came in very low Thursday for the proposed slide-repair project on Radar Hill Road east of Rapid City.
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