
Posted 2/3/2022
The South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT) is hosting a series of public meetings across the state to provide information and gather feedback on the State Rail Plan (SRP). Members of the public and industry stakeholders are encouraged to attend to learn more about the current state of rail in South Dakota, potential rail-related projects, and to share suggestions for the future of rail in the state. Thursday March 3, 2022 5:00-6:30pm MT in Rapid City Rapid ty Public Library Downtown Community Room 610 Quincy Street Rapid City, SD 57701 If you are interested in learning more about the SRP but are unable to make any of the meetings, please participate in the online, self-guided meeting. This meeting will be available from February 28-April 3, 2022 and can be found at or by scanning the QR code with your smartphone.
Posted 1/5/2022
The Rapid City transit agency and the Rapid City Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) have partnered to update the future transit plan for Rapid City. The study addresses current service gaps and opportunities for enhancing service if additional operating funds can be identified. The plan is available for review and comment. Please visit to view the draft plan. You can also come meet individuals from our study team to learn about the recommendations. We will be available from 11:00 AM to 1:30 PM on Wednesday, January 12th, 2022, at the downtown transit center at 333 Sixth Street and from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM in the Community Room on the second floor of City Hall at 300 Sixth Street. Rapid City Transit and Rapid City Area MPO appreciate your feedback on this important planning effort. Comments on the draft document will be received through Friday, January 21, 2022.
Posted 11/10/2021
The Rapid City Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is working with Rapid City’s Rapid Transit System (RTS) to develop the Rapid City Transit Development Plan (TDP). This document will provide a vision for transit in the region over the next 5 to 10 years, with an emphasis on future needs and sustainable growth. The TDP will report existing conditions, public feedback, community needs, and recommendations for how RTS should align services to meet the needs of a growing region. The process is intended to develop recommendations reflective of community needs that can be feasibly implemented within a 5-to-10-year period. You can access the plan at:
Posted 7/6/2021
The plan is a guide to the development of a safe and efficient transportation system across South Dakota. It encompasses all modes of transportation, including public transit, bicycle and pedestrian travel, freight, and highway travel to identify supporting plans to achieve the state’s goals. Maps and presentation materials are available on the SDDOT website at All are encouraged to participate and help guide the future of transportation in South Dakota. Questions and comments will be accepted between July 6 and August 6, 2021. Members of the public may submit questions or comments through the SDDOT website or by sending questions or comments via mail to Sarah Gilkerson at 700 East Broadway, Pierre, South Dakota 57501 or email For more information about the development of the plan, please contact Sarah Gilkerson, MPO Coordinator, at 605-773-3093.
Posted 3/5/2021
The existing interchange is a skewed diamond configuration that provides access from Elk Creek Road to I-90. The current design has safety and operational concerns with the proximity of the intersection of Elk Creek road and Sturgis road to the west of the interchange, and with the at-grade railroad crossing east of the interchange. Furthermore, the current bridge over I-90 does not provide pedestrian and bicycle facilities and both access ramps are controlled by stop signs. The new design will improve the facilities and prepare for future demand by facilitating future expansion of I-90. Due to restrictions associated with COVID-19, the opportunity to provide feedback for this project will be virtual instead of in-person. The community is encouraged to visit the project website at HTTPS:// projects/public-meetings to view a project video that highlights the project purpose and need, project benefits and goals, and review preliminary designs.
Posted 1/28/2021
The South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT), in collaboration with the City of Rapid City, Pennington County, and the Rapid City Area MPO, will hold an online public meeting to present transportation improvement scenarios developed for the US16 Corridor Study from January 30, 2021 through February 28, 2021. Due to limitations on public gatherings recommended by the Centers for Disease Control, the SDDOT is posting information to the study website rather than presenting documents at an in-person public meeting. Members of the public may submit questions or comments through the study website or by reaching out to one of the project representatives via email or phone. This final public meeting is geared towards presenting corridor scenarios representative of potential future projects that address long-term transportation needs identified as part of this study. These scenarios group refined concepts presented at the previous public meeting. Your input will aid in the development of study recommendations and general timeline for implementation. The goal of the study is to develop a long-range plan for the US16 corridor through the study area. The corridor being studied includes: • US16 from the junction with US16A (Keystone Wye) to Cathedral Drive in Rapid City. Emphasis areas are on the intersections of US16 with US16 B / Catron Boulevard and Neck Yoke Road. Any individuals with disabilities who will require a reasonable accommodation to access the information on the study website may submit a request to the department’s ADA Coordinator at 605-773-3540 or 1-800-877-1113 (Telecommunication Relay Services for the Deaf). Public meeting information will be posted to the study
Posted 1/20/2021
The South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT) is conducting an Interchange Study for the I-90 Exit 63 in Box Elder, SD. The goal of this Study is to prepare for future demand by facilitating a corridor that improves traffic congestion while increasing safety for drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists. Due to restrictions associated with COVID-19, the opportunity to provide feedback for this project will be virtual instead of in-person. The community is encouraged to visit the project website at WWW.I90EXIT63.COM to view project videos that highlights the project purpose and need, project benefits and goals, and review draft conceptual designs. The public can also visit Box Elder City Hall to use a computer to access the project website. Hard copy comment forms are also available at this location if you prefer to provide hand written comments. A mask must be worn to enter the building located at: 420 VILLA DRIVE, BOX ELDER. Computers will be available each Wednesday over the lunch break from 12:00-12:30 and Thursday from 4:00-4:30 p.m. for the duration of the comment period.
Posted 7/30/2020
The Rapid City Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is seeking to fill vacancies on the Citizens Advisory Committee. The Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) serves as the primary public participation forum for the transportation products of the MPO. The CAC makes recommendations to the MPO Executive Policy Committee regarding MPO studies, plans, and transportation products. Interested citizens may apply by submitting a Citizen Interest Application online at or by submitting a short statement describing qualification and interest in transportation matters to: Melissa Karpo Department of Community Development 300 Sixth Street Rapid City, SD 57701 Members must live or work within the MPO boundary. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. For more information, contact Melissa Karpo at 605-394-4120 or
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