
Posted 7/6/2020
The Rapid City Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (RCAMPO) will hold an on-line public information meeting to receive public input on the DRAFT Metropolitan Transportation Plan and Bike/Pedestrian Plan Update. The on-line meeting will be an interactive, self-guided format. The purpose of the on-line meeting is to present the project findings and DRAFT report. This will be the third of three public meetings scheduled for the project. The on-line meeting format is a result of the continued recommendations by the Centers for Disease Control to limit the size of public gatherings. Participants will still be able to provide input and comment on the project findings and DRAFT report through July 16, 2020. Following the on-line public meeting period, the public meeting materials will continue to be available for review on the project website at, however the ability to comment as part of the on-line public meeting process will no longer be available. For further information regarding this upcoming meeting, contact Dustin Hamilton, Project Manager with HDR Engineering at (605) 791-6103 or Kip Harrington, with the RCAMPO, at (605) 394-4120.
Posted 6/3/2020
The Rapid City Area MPO is working to establish a cohesive vision for the Sixth Street corridor from Rushmore Plaza Civic Center to the Performing Arts Center and exploring opportunities to make it more walkable, bikeable, and livable, including an improved crossing of Omaha Street. The Sixth Street Study team would like to learn how you use Sixth Street and get your input on some initial ideas for making the corridor vibrant, safe, and connected for all users! We want to learn about your priorities and needs relating to the Sixth Street corridor. Preliminary recommendations for improving the experience along Sixth Street have been developed, and the project team would like your feedback. An online survey is available at through June 17th for you to provide input. Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey! More information about the study is available at For questions, please contact Kip Harrington, Project Manager, at or 605-394-4120.
Posted 4/20/2020
The Rapid City Area MPO is moving forward with developing recommendations for making the Sixth Street corridor more walkable, bikeable, and livable and still gathering your input on how it could be improved! Please visit by Saturday, May 2nd to access an online commenting map, where you can view the study area and pin comments to specific locations of interest. Your ideas and concerns will help to guide the project team as the planning process moves forward!
Posted 4/20/2020
Due to the current pandemic, the Metropolitan Transportation Plan Public Meeting is in a virtual format. This is an innovative process, and we believe it holds great promise.
Posted 3/10/2020
The Rapid City Area MPO is working to establish a cohesive vision for the Sixth Street corridor from Rushmore Plaza Civic Center to the Performing Arts Center and exploring opportunities to make it more walkable, bikeable, and livable, including an improved crossing of Omaha Street! The project team will hold an initial public meeting from 3:30 pm to 6:00 pm on Tuesday, March 10th at the Rapid City Public Library, Hoyt Room (610 Quincy Street) to educate area residents about the study and gather input regarding the future of Sixth Street. The public meeting will have an informal open house format, allowing for one-on-one discussion with the project team. Brief presentations will be given at approximately 4:00 PM and 5:00 PM. The purpose of this meeting is to introduce the study to the public and gather input on both opportunities and challenges along the Sixth Street corridor. For those who cannot attend the public meeting, information about the study is available online at The website also provides the opportunity to view an online map of the study area and pin a comment to a specific location of interest. Presentations and displays shown at the public meeting will be available online within a few days of the public meeting. For more information, please contact Kip Harrington, Project Manager, at or 605-394-4120.
Posted 12/10/2019
The South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT), in collaboration with the City of Rapid City, Pennington County, and the Rapid City Area MPO, will hold public open houses at 5:30 pm on Tuesday, December 10th at the Event Center at Black Hills Energy, (7001 Mount Rushmore Road) in Rapid City to inform area residents of the beginning of the US16 Corridor Study. The corridor being studied includes: • US16 from the junction with US16A (Keystone Wye) to Cathedral Drive in Rapid City. Emphasis at this meeting it to be on the intersections of US16 with US16 B / Catron Boulevard and Neck Yoke Road. The open house will be informal allowing for one on one discussion with the study team. A brief presentation will be given at approximately 5:35 pm. The purpose of the meeting is to introduce preliminary intersection concepts to the public and gather input on those concepts. Area residents, business owners, and daily commuters are encouraged to attend and participate in the corridor study. The opportunity to present written comments will be provided. Written comments on the public meeting will be accepted until December 24, 2019.
Posted 10/29/2019
The Rapid City Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (RCAMPO) will hold a public information meeting/open house to receive public input on the Metropolitan Transportation Plan and Bike/Pedestrian Plan Update. The open house will be information allowing for one on one discussion with the project team. The purpose of the meeting is to present an overview of the project and gather feedback from the public and stakeholders. This will be the first of three public meetings scheduled for the project.
Posted 7/23/2019
The South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT), in collaboration with the City of Rapid City, Pennington County, and the Rapid City Area MPO, will hold public open houses at 5:30 pm on Tuesday, July 23rd at the Event Center at Black Hills Energy, (7001 Mount Rushmore Road) in Rapid City to inform area residents of the beginning of the US16 Corridor Study.
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